Were You Aware That Hearing Issues Can be caused by the Common Cold?

While everyone has dealt with a runny nose, we don’t often talk about other kinds of cold symptoms because they are less common. One kind of cold you don’t frequently hear about is the one that moves into one or more ears. This form of cold can be more risky than a common cold and […]

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You Could Have an Increased Risk of Hearing Loss With These Chemicals

Most people know about the common causes of hearing loss, but some chemicals can also lead to hearing loss which can be surprising. At risk groups include automotive workers, plastics, textiles, metal fabrication, and petroleum. Being aware of what these harmful chemicals are and what precautions you should take can help preserve your quality of […]

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What’s a Safe Volume to Listen to Music on Your headphones?

Aiden loves music. While he’s out jogging, he listens to Pandora, while working it’s Spotify, and he has a playlist for all his activities: gaming, gym time, cooking, and everything else. Everything in his life has a soundtrack and it’s playing on his headphones. But irreversible hearing damage might be happening as a result of […]

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Hearing Loss in One Ear – Possible Causes

Because you’re so cool, you rocked out in the front row for the entire rock concert last night. It’s fun, although it’s not good for your ears which will be ringing when you get up the next morning. (That part’s less fun.) But what if you awaken and can only hear out of one ear? […]

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Noisy Summer Activities Require Ear Protection

Summertime has some activities that are simply staples: Outdoor concerts, fireworks shows, state fairs, air shows, and NASCAR races (look, if you like watching cars go around in circles, no one’s going to judge you). The crowds, and the noise levels, are getting larger as more of these events are going back to normal. But […]

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These 6 Behaviors Suggest You’re Suffering From Hearing Loss

In conversation with friends, you like to be courteous. You want your customers, colleagues, and supervisor to see that you’re completely engaged when you’re at work. With family, you might find it less difficult to just tune out the conversation and ask the person next to you to fill in what you missed, just a […]

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Does Hearing Loss Lead to Brain Atrophy?

As we get older we begin to have trouble hearing clearly and we typically just accept it as a normal part of aging. Maybe we need to ask people to speak up or repeat themselves when they talk. Maybe the volume on our TV keeps going up. We may even notice that we’re becoming forgetful. […]

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How Can Hearing Loss Affect Driving Habits?

Don’t take your eyes off the road. While this might be sound advice, how about your other senses? For example, think about how much work your ears are doing while driving. You’re using your ears to connect with other individuals in your vehicle, alert you to important information appearing on your dashboard, and help you […]

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If I Was Suffering From Hearing Loss, How Would I Know?

Your last family get-together was disheartening. It wasn’t because of family drama (this time). No, the problem was that you couldn’t hear anything over the boisterous noise of the room. So you didn’t get the details about Nancy’s raise, and you didn’t have the ability to ask about Todd’s new puppy. And that was really […]

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Wave Audiology

Port St. Lucie, FL

543 NW Lake Whitney Place, Suite 103Port St. Lucie, FL 34986

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Monday through Friday
8am – 4pm


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